Supreme Master TV – part 2 of 2

Thank you so much Supreme Master TV for sharing our work with all your viewers and for the so generous $10,000 award which we so desperately need and for which we are so very grateful.

Seed Loans

* As part of our work to create food security and to encourage our local community to adopt plant-based diets, we loan people seeds. This enables them to grow their own healthy food and afterwards they give us back some of their new seeds so that we can lend them to someone else. * This is such a simple, low-cost idea and we are thrilled…

Vegan Food Relief during Ebola lockdown

We are so grateful for our generous supporters who have enabled us to provide some food relief for those going hungry due to the Ebola lockdown in Uganda. Our charity does its best to help with the food relief necessitated by the Ebola lockdown. We have distributed plant-based food to needy people in the affected districts and would like to do more. If you would…